Clique Kits

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July Designer in the Spotlight – Stephanie Smokovich




Hello everyone!  Erica here with you today and I am so excited to bring you one of our July Designer in the Spotlights Stephanie Smokovich.  Stephanie is the designer and owner of the fabulous Bella Blvd.  Her love for drawing and creating started at a young age and today she is the sole designer of the bold and beautiful Bella Blvd brand.  Her recent collection Just Add Color is the feature collection in our Clique into Color kit!  This kit has sold out but find out how you can win a mini color kit on Stephanie’s Instagram!


Stephanie took some time to answer some questions about her creative process, some of her favorites and the inspiration behind the Just Add Color collection!  Please say hello to Stephanie Smokovich!


1. Tell us a little bit about your creative process.
My creative process is truly different each time, and completely depends on what inspires me. At the moment of inspiration I take notes and begin sketching right away. Then I prefer to “let it simmer” a bit and a week or so later I’m ready to begin drawing and integrating designs digitally!
2. Where and when are you most creative?
That’s definitely hard to answer, but I would say when my mind is most clear ideas come to me. During family vacations, business trips, or running on the open road.
3. What are some of your must have supplies?
The Bella Blvd Enamels are really on every single project I create lately! And I’m a major sucker for patterned paper. I love prints and patterns, it’s part of my DNA. I think I will hoard it for the rest of my life!
4. Who are some of your influences?
My innermost circle of friends really inspire me. Not only for designing at Bella Blvd, but also in life. I feel like when I’m the most happy I am the most productive. My parents constantly inspire me to love and be generous.
5. 3 things people probably do not know about you.
I’m waaaay too hold to be sleeping with a teddy bear every night, but yes I do.
As a new mamma I’m much more of a morning person than I ever was before.
I can wiggle my ears without touching them 🙂 (I’m weird like that!)
6. Favorite:
● Book—eeeek….I’m not a huge reader. Right now I’m tackling The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up 
● Movie— Under the Tuscan Sun (I would live in Italy if I could)
● Candy– Resees peanut butter cups
● Drink — water. I know, boring.
● Music
● Color PINK
● TV Show—Amazing Race
7. Can you share how the name of your company Bella Blvd came about?  
Sure! My mother’s side of the family as an incredible Italian heritage. With a mother, an aunt, and grandparents all born in Italia, we have been raised on principles like loyalty, blood is thicker than water, family, family, family, love, forgiveness and God’s grace. Bella is Italian for beautiful, a word I heard constantly growing up from my Nana and Nano. And, Blvd was a natural feed as I really imagined a street name for the company name.
8. We love the Just Add Color collection! Can you tell us what inspired you when creating this collection?  
This collection has bit a hit! It was inspired by the mixed media trend and the need and want for people to customize and make things their own. By starting with Black and White you can add whatever splashes of color you wish to make it exactly what you want. Something black and white can become super girly and frilly, or shabby and rough. With Black and White the options are limitless!
9. Have you always had a love for design?
 Yes. Absolutely. Always.
10. What is one thing you love about the scrapbooking industry?
I love the way this industry brings together thousands of people through a common interest of preserving what is most cherished to us. I love that this community is full of faithful documenters and family historians and that we are genuinely HAPPY and excited about color and products and making memories last a lifetime.
11. How would you describe your style?
My style is colorful, clean and graphic with a bit of randomness thrown in for fun.
Stephanie thank you so much for being a July Designer in the Spotlight!  You can find Stephanie and more information at Bella Blvd or by clicking the links below!  Don’t forget to follow them on social media too!  This week they are reveal their newest collections and you do not want to miss it!

7 thoughts on “July Designer in the Spotlight – Stephanie Smokovich

  1. I just LOVE Bella Blvd. I love learning more about Stephanie and Bella Blvd.


  2. such a great post! i am definitely a fan of stephanie – she is kind and generous and her designs are some of my favorite!!


  3. SQUEE!! I’m reading the same book, and I have to say that I have really been drawn to Bella BLVD lately, those BOWS are my FAVE!!!


  4. It’s great learning more about you Stephanie! I’ve always been drawn to the bright cheery colors in the Bella Blvd collections. I can’t wait to play with Just Add Color!


  5. Welcome Stephanie! It’s so good to get to know you better! My sister is 22 and she still sleeps with her ratty blanky! 🙂


  6. How fun is this interview! Loved getting to know the face behind the brand better!


  7. I love getting to know the people behind the companies! And peanut butter cups are my favorite too.


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