Clique Kits

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I Am Gold: Clique into Summer ’15 Workshop Kickoff


AWelcome to the second annual Clique Kits Summer School workshop! The Clique Kits team is so excited to bring you eight full weeks of inspiration using the Limited Edition I Am Gold Kit which has of course already sold out. All subscribers are automatically able to access the workshop lessons on the website using their usual log in and password access.  The workshop will be available for purchase in the store starting June 7th for just $10 for non subscribers and no special kit is necessary to purchase in order to participate!  So let’s get this party started, shall we?


Here is a peek at what is to come this summer!

The workshop will consist of inspiring lessons released each Sunday from June 7th-July 12th with a wrap up and grand prize giveaway on July 19th ! Each lesson will consist of either a pdf format or a video and sometimes both!

The collection in the spotlight that forms the foundation for the I Am Gold workshop is the I Am collection by Simple Stories designed by Amber Crowell and her team at Simple Stories. When Lacey, Erica, and I were at CHA-Winter last January we first saw the I Am collection at the Simple Stories booth and knew that it would be perfect for my vision of this interactive online class. First, I wanted to help each other strip away all of our harsh self criticism and inhibitions and learn to love taking more photos of ourselves putting more of ourselves in our memory keeping albums. Second, I wanted to share different concepts for autobiographical scrapbooking so that our voices can be heard and our stories can be told.  And last, since we all know that summer time is for fun and rest and relaxation- maybe that means travel or maybe that means spending more time being with loved ones- the important thing is to keep it simple. So summer school is all about  finding ways to use the latest products designed for ease of use like smaller album sizes, pocket pages, and tips like photo  prompts to help you get it all done quickly and easily without compromising on great looking pages!

And now for some peeks at some I Am Gold inspiration coming soon !



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If you have ordered the kit and/or are a subscriber and have been waiting to find out the specifics of what will be taught, check your email for the syllabus to be mailed to your inbox. If you are not already following the blog, make sure you follow and check back every Sunday on the Summer School page for updates each week. You will find links to videos and PDF files added each week.

Sharing your projects using the I AM GOLD Kit and Simple Stories I Am collection…

If you upload your own projects to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest please use the following hashtags so that we can search for them and recognize them! We want to see your layouts, minis, and project life style layouts with YOU as the subject. We want to see you take photos and selfies. Be honest, be crazy, be silly, be yourself.  We want to see your childhood, where you live, where you grew up, your family, where and who you came from, where you are now, and where you are going. We want to know what you do for work, what your passions are, your goals, your dreams, your fears, and your deepest desires!  Design, journal, and share and if we spot you, we may feature you on our blog , send you a prize, and/or ask you to be our guest.

#Iamgold #CliqueintoSummer15

And now, how about a giveaway? Leave a comment here on the blog, share on social media and let us know you did and we will choose a winner of an amazing Clique Kits Grab Bag Prize Pack including an assortment of must haves for your stash from the Clique Kits store!

We hope you will join us on our I AM Gold journey this summer and we are happy to announce that we are adding new subscribers from the waitlist every day. As soon as we get through the waitlist, we will see where we stand and hope to be able to open subscriptions up to the public again really soon! We are always welcoming members to our online community and private facebook group. If interested in joining please request an invite by emailing us:


-x Gia

Author: Gia Lau

Owner and Creative Director of Clique Kits Curator and Designer at Gia Aloha Blog and Etsy Shop

12 thoughts on “I Am Gold: Clique into Summer ’15 Workshop Kickoff

  1. Oh, those minis look great. I am inspired!!


  2. I can’t wait to see what everyone creates! I had so much fun working with this kit, and talking about me, me, me!


  3. I can’t wait to start with this kit. I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it and am on the lookout for the class!


  4. loving these minis! Can’t wait to see the rest!


  5. I have several of these 4×4 minis…thanks for inspiring me to work on them this summer!! I shared this blog post on my Facebook wall.


  6. I am SO excited for this class. (I literally had to hide my kit from myself NOT to break into it!!) I love all the sneaks and can’t wait to have a little time to figure out what I am going to do with it. I have shared this on facebook for all my scrappy friends!!


  7. So excited to see more of those mini’s! Can’t wait!


  8. I am so happy to be off waiting list. I can’t wait to receive and create with my very first own kit. So excited to be part the this kit club.


  9. beautiful projects!!!


  10. I am sooooo EXCITED for this class!!! I can’t wait to see how my projects will turn out! 😀


  11. This sounds great!! I love the gold!!


  12. Loving what I see! Can’t wait for more!


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